On Energetic Healing
People often ask, “What is energy healing”? It goes by many names, healing touch, Reiki, therapeutic touch and others. All these forms are working on a subtle level that addresses the energy body, sometimes referred to as the astral body or the aura. Some of these approaches have structure with specific hand movements, words and visualizations; others are formless.
My own approach to healing is rather formless and based upon intuition, although I have studied all the various types of energy healing modalities. First, you must realize that the energy field surrounding the human body holds all information about an individual: thoughts, emotions, memories and physical conditions are all reflected in this field. The energy field is like a blueprint and once the field is changed, it affects the grosser level of manifestation. So, with regards to healing, if the energy changes, then the corresponding level of expression will also be affected.
My own experience with the “field” is that is can be perceived through all intuitive senses: sight, sound, touch, and smell. This world of subtle energy was revealed to me as part of my spiritual awakening back in the late 1970’s. I was able to sense these fields as I became more silent within. As my inner chaos dissolved into silence, then I was able to perceive more of the subtle realms. My ability to affect these fields also became more pronounced as my own presence became more stabilized in Spirit.
The gift of spiritual development is that separations begin to dissolve and unity begins to emerge. The split between mind and body diminishes. The gap between thought and energy dissolves. The result is that one’s state of being becomes a unified field in which “presence” has a tangible affect on inner and outer realities. One’s state of being becomes expressed not only through words and deeds, but also by the very sense of one’s existence. One’s energy is a direct expression of one’s state: Being is presence, presence is enhanced by awareness, and communion with Spirit expands awareness. The ultimate reality, then, is that one’s ability to heal is largely determined by one’s ability to commune with Spirit. Who you are is more important than what you know, what you say, or what you do. Your state of Being, the quality of your Presence, is the determining factor in your ability to “Be in the State of Healing.”
As my own development proceeded and I was able to find more peace within, I found a deeper resonance with all “that” which surrounded me. I merely had to “Be” and I could feel, see, hear, and perceive what was in another. In the inner silence, the surrounding experience stood out in bold relief.
I believe that Spirit knows what needs to happen and it is through God’s Grace that all healing occurs. I believe that God create the Universe and in that process gave us free will. It has been my experience that when we ask for God’s help and open to that reality, then the magic begins. Energetic forces are activated which align us with wholeness… holiness. Through the power of this divine magnetism, which we have invoked, we receive all that we need, not always what we want, but definitely what we need.
In essence, then, the healing process is about becoming whole, becoming quiet, becoming centered and inviting the holy presence of Spirit to appear. In this Divine communion, healing may occur. My own experience is that I see what is happening on the subtle realms as the divine force flows and I merely report on what is happening. I do not choose to do something, nor do I have a pre-determined idea of what should be done, but merely attempt to show up with a full degree of presence and an open heart, sincerely asking God to help ease the suffering and restore the beauty and perfection that is our true nature. In fact, I am learning that the less I do, the more happens. At this point in my life, I can claim no responsibility for “healing” that does occur, only that I was present and in my heart of hearts prayed that through God’s grace the individual will be helped. It is true, that during this process I see many things shifting, and feel the movement and flow of life force energy at many levels from cellular structures to thoughts in the mind.
The Indian story about the “Rain Maker” is very relevant here. The Rainmaker is called in when a drought exists. He shows up to help. One village asked him to come after many, many months of drought. He arrived and asked to go to his Tepee. He remained in seclusion for the first day and the local people wondered what he was doing. The second day continued and still he did not appear, however, a few clouds did begin to appear in the distant sky. The third day was no different, as the Rainmaker remained secluded. However, dark storm clouds were now rolling in and on the fourth day a major storm unleashed the watery heavens upon this village. Finally, he appeared.
The local villages were mystified and inquired what if anything he had done to make this happen. He sat them down and told his story.
I believe that when I am in balance and in harmony, then all that around me will also be in balance. When I arrived at your village, I felt something was out of balance. I retreated to my Tepee to find that place within me that was in perfect harmony with “all that is,” knowing that when I am in that place, everything around me will also be in balance. Nature of was not in balance because it had not rained for so many, many days and nights. When I become in balance then the natural balance of nature was restored and it rained. It was the natural order of life to rain.
Healing is about creating balance and harmony and being with the process as lovingly as possible. Love does not manipulate, coerce, force and cajole. Love accepts, opens, invites, respects, endures and rejoices. To fully be in the Present means to deepen to Love and invite Spirit to bless us with that sacred presence. That Divine presence restores balance, awakens hope, creates faith and transforms darkness to light. Love, Light, and Peace are the healing properties of the energetic realms. When the vibration of perfection resonates in the field, the body, mind, and emotions respond as the soul is bathed and restored.
Everything in nature has its own unique vibration. As one becomes more sensitive, it is possible to actually identify things from a vibrational sensation. It is possible to obtain information about states of physical and emotional health from these vibrational qualities.
In summary, then, healing on the subtle energy plane is about restoring the vibration to health. We are all energy and vibration and those who are quiet enough to hear can see.
If you feel you have lost your balance and lost your inner peace and are struggling with the symptoms of these deeper conditions, then I invite you to spend time with me. Together, we can restore you to a healthier state of Being, which honors your soul, your purpose and your loving connection to life.
©2007 Copyright Ronald L. Mann, Ph.D. All Right Reserved