The Economics of Personal Development

During the past two years I have been observing and studying various marketing tips and sales strategy on the WEB. A multitude of fabulous information is available over the Internet and it appears that most consumers are interested in products that can help them increase their income. Along this line items such as new computer programs, electronic newsletters, leading edge information, and advertising are hot items. While these outer tools are invaluable for the business age of technology, equally important are your inner tools of mental clarity, discernment, judgment and peace of mind for success in today’s market place.

For over two decades I have treated individuals in my private psychotherapy practice. Many of my patients have had work related problems that were solved as they resolved their inner emotional conflicts and mental confusion. My new consulting position as a CEO has validated my previous experience, in that I also observe how very bright, intelligent individuals are less effective in the business world when emotional difficulties interfere with good judgment, concentration, attention, and intuitive perception. You can have the greatest tools of technology, CD-ROM’s, Pentium MMX, etc., and have access to the latest ground breaking information, but you won’t be maximally efficient and successful if you are depressed because of relationship problems, confused about you life’s purpose, and feel unfulfilled in your occupation.

Let’s get real here. Those who have been most successful in business have something special to offer. They have a vision and possess the internal clarity to triumph in their worldly endeavors. They possess a depth of insight that allows them to make difficult decisions and plan for the future. They have an uncanny ability to successfully manifest whatever they need in order to achieve their goals. Their mental clarity allows them to use technology — they are not successful only because of technology.

The technologies of personal development can take you one step further. Introspection, resolving old emotional wounds, and spiritual practices which include meditation will ultimately lead to peace of mind, heightened intuitive knowledge, and expanded states of awareness. These personal tools for success will maximize your ability to creatively express your highest potential. Personal development allows you to overcome fear and move beyond unconsciousness mental programs that undermine your self-esteem and confidence.

Now let’s take this discussion one step further. Most of us are working very hard on the physical/material plane for our survival. We go to work, do our jobs and try to stay up on current information and technology. What about the reality that is well documented in spiritual literature regarding the Great Masters and their ability to manifest whatever they need? Story after story has been handed down for centuries about our human potential to access our spiritual power and manifest food, objects, and cure disease. The great spiritual teachers attempt to inspire us to dive deep to find the pearls of self-realization. Great teachers are showing, through their examples, our inherent potential. We, too, can achieve the spiritual power which is available to those who learn to open the inner doors of perception. We are playing with “half a deck” when we ignore the spiritual principles of manifestation. Current teachers such a Deepak Chopra, M.D. are being well received because they are sharing ancient truths and presenting them in a modern context. The teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda are another good example of the highest spiritual technologies made available for modern consumption and integration.

Life is tough enough. We don’t have to make it any more difficult by ignoring valuable information and advanced spiritual tools that can transform our consciousness and allow us to rise above the gross delusion of everyday life. Personal transformation allows us to tap into a greater realm of energetic consciousness and exist from pure mind. Consciousness has unlimited power to sustain health, obtain wisdom and effect physical reality. These gifts, however, are not obtained from the intellect. Reading a thousand books will not transform your consciousness. You must do the work of self-purification, inner exploration, introspection, and the transformation of consciousness. The rewards are well worth the effort.

It is difficult for some people to justify taking the time away from outer activities to explore the inner realms. Meditation seems like a waste of good time because “I am not doing anything.” Personal psychological development may be discounted out of fear and ignorance. The psyche and the soul are connected, and the clearer the psyche, the easier it is for the soul to radiate its wisdom. If your bottom line is more economic success and professional fulfillment, then your personal development, both psychologically and spiritually, are essential in today’s market place, unless, of course, you have the good karma to win the lottery.

I am not suggesting that you simply pray to get rich. The highest path is to learn to attune your will to the Divine will. The Bible makes this very clear. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and then everything will be added unto you.” God does take care of us. Our alignment with God does support every aspect of our lives. Becoming one with Spirit opens great opportunities at every level of existence. Your personal development is a good business investment in your personal success!

Summary of Keys for Personal Success.

  1. Resolve old emotional wounds.
  2. Live in the moment.
  3. Make time to introspect and assess what you feel.
  4. Learn to meditate.
  5. Develop your intuition.
  6. Discover your life purpose.
  7. Make time each day to commune with the Divine.
  8. Develop your capacity to discern the right action for each life situation.
  9. View life as an opportunity to serve others with love and respect.
  10. Learn to use your consciousness to manifest from the subtle realms.

© 2009 Ronald L Mann, Ph.D.  All Rights Reserved